The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
Jesus / my man / the three,
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serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 26

July 30, 2007 - 10:17 AM

Do you know what I found on Saturday morning in our garden? It finally happened! During the day Friday or late Thursday night, one of our cabbages was taken. Yep. Our cabbage literally had its neck cracked. Unfortunately that means that someone knows where our garden is. Keep in mind though, I am 100% ok with this. (Now if I wasn't then I would have to deny that God knows all things and is always good.)

Oh, where oh where, has our cabbage head gone.

Other news at the garden is that the mosquitoes are unbearable! Whatever it is that started it, I don't know - but they are in force and fierce. It was so bad Sunday we had to cut our visit super short as we didn't have any bug spray on but Ezekiel did get to water his carrots that are oh-so-tall just not very long.

Ezekiel with a grin due to his missing both front teeth!

Sunday though, Ezekiel sure brought in the harvest, first tomatoes and then peppers.

Ezekiel picking tomatoes

Ezekiel picking peppers

A kind neighbor offered to share his bumper crop of zucchini with Jeremiah too!

Jeremiah, his new Everst book, a hurt hand, an oversized shirt and 3 zucs.

Very strange bugs at the garden these days too. Every day I spy new bugs I have never seen before. Don't worry, I am not freaking out about it. Though, I am really happy the garden is not at my house because of it. However, I think I will ask Jeremiah to do a photo shoot of the bugs. Right now there are at least 10 different ones I can think of that I have never seen.
Ew is still what I think though. Ew, ew, ew... but again, I am not freaking out. Happily though, Jeremiah loves bugs and this will be perfect for him.

Unbelievable is the fact that our cantaloupe plant is doing amazing! Now if you remember it used to look like this...

Cant 20 days ago

Due to whatever feats of the imagination it now looks like this... at least 2 feet long and growing... just in the wrong direction, but that is ok!

Growing, happy cant.

Really cool for a 20 cent plant! Even the boys are amazed by its progress. Don't know if it will produce anything for harvest but it is still exciting!

Another crazy thing is our Tumbling Toms look like death. (No photo yet, the mosquitoes, sorry!) Doing everything by the book, they still have gone completely brown. The brown is not stopping them from producing cherry tomatoes. Having a little talk with a gardener, she said hers are perfect, healthy and green. It could be just me. Really, anything staying green in our garden is a miracle.

The other neat thing is the 20 cent tomato plants we bought are working great and producing already. You'll remember way long ago<

Response to Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 26

  • Holly said on July 30, 2007 - 6:03 PM

    According to all the books, things grow more rapidly in August than any other month... so that is good news for your beautiful plants! Yay gardening!

  • Dana said on July 30, 2007 - 9:12 PM

    "Oh, I know!!" exclaimed Mrs. Fawlty. Isn't that great? Everyone kept telling me that, so I am definitely noticing it is true! Now, I am trying to keep them producing... I am going to make a 5AM trip there tomorrow to fertilize them and today I went Fungi/insect repellent crazy... that is what is wrong with my plants, am told. If I want them to keep producing I have to keep taking care of them, :)! Also!! No guesses yet on my secret message? It is not that hard and I am not that creative so someone should be able to tell me what it is? If anyone wants a hint I will think of one, but really, I am not that puzzle minded so it isn't too tricky. Have fun!

  • Amanda said on August 1, 2007 - 8:16 AM

    Dana.... I want you to know that I read every word of your blog entries. And I have read every word of this entry at least three times... And I can't find any secret messages. But I wanted you to know that I read it...even if I don't get a prize out of the deal. :)

  • Dana said on August 1, 2007 - 8:20 AM

    Aw schucks! Thanks Amanda! The secret message had to do with my last post about eBay and about how much money I saved. It is there, honest!

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