It's all fun and games...
Until someone gets cryptosporidium.
That's what I kept thinking all day today.
Today we went to our first beach outing of the season. We haven't been since last year when one of the kids picked up some nasty from the water. We braved it today because it was beautiful outside, the kids were dying for it, it is free and I need to work on this gardener's tan of mine! (Yikes!)
I realized something else today... You know you are getting old when your younger friends are getting old. A younger friend of mine mentioned to me her age today and I was taken aback, "How can she be older than 23?" I asked myself, "I know she just had a birthday but that would only make her 24?!" (Which she didn't turn 24 either, it is just the number I have stuck in my head for all my friends I guess...) My how time flies and people age. Sadly, me included.
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